Can You Wear Flip Flops on Rides at Disneyland Paris?

When visiting Disneyland Paris, it’s important to consider what to wear to ensure both comfort and safety. Many people think that you’re not allowed to wear flip flops on rides at Disneyland Paris. 

In this blog post, we will explore the pros and cons of wearing flip flops at Disneyland Paris and provide practical tips to help you make an informed decision.

Yes, you can wear flip flops, or open toed sandals at Disneyland Paris, including on most rides. However, in the interest of safety, some rides have restrictions on footwear. When choosing your footwear, it’s important to consider whether flip flops would be appropriate while riding the rides.

Let’s explore whether flip flops are appropriate for Disneyland Paris from a ride safety but also comfort perspective.

flip flops on rides at disneyland paris

Safety First: Understanding Ride Restrictions

Before turning up to Disneyland Paris in your flip flops, it’s important to understand that safety is a top priority at the theme parks. To ensure guest safety, some rides have specific footwear requirements.

As you might expect, these restrictions apply to roller coasters and attractions with fast-paced movements, sudden stops or potential hazards.

To avoid disappointment while at the parks, and to save your feet, I would recommend wearing open-toed sandals as a minimum. They will still keep your feet cool in the summer, but are also secure, comfortable footwear.

Disneyland Paris has a page dedicated to dress code, which you may find useful.

Flip Flops on Rides at Disneyland Paris: Ride Safety

While flip flops are comfortable and suitable for casual outings, they may not be the best choice for rides at Disneyland Paris due to safety concerns. Here are a few reasons why wearing flip flops on certain attractions may not be recommended:

Secure Footwear: Some rides have stringent safety regulations that require guests to wear closed-toe shoes. Flip flops can be easily slipped off or have little grip, increasing the risk of injury during the ride.

Fast-Paced Rides: Roller coasters and other thrilling attractions often involve sudden accelerations, twists, and turns. Wearing flip flops may not provide enough support or stability, potentially leading to discomfort or accidents.

Potential for Lost Footwear: The design of flip flops makes them prone to coming off, especially during fast or turbulent rides. Losing a flip flop not only poses a safety hazard but also disrupts the ride experience for both you and other guests.

Consider Your Comfort

When was the last time you walked several miles each day in flip flops? 

Disneyland Paris is spread out across a large area, and you’ll likely spend a considerable amount of time on your feet. Comfortable footwear will prevent fatigue and ensure you can fully enjoy all the park has to offer. 

Closed-toe shoes with good arch support will provide the necessary comfort and stability for a day filled with walking, standing in queues, and exploring various attractions.

If you’re concerned about the warm weather and want to keep your feet cool, there are alternative options to flip flops that offer both breathability and safety. Look for sandals with sturdy straps that secure your feet in place, providing a similar level of comfort while minimizing the risk of accidents. 

Remember that wearing appropriate footwear is not only about adhering to park regulations but also about ensuring your own safety and the safety of those around you. 

In the event of an emergency evacuation from a ride or attraction, closed-toe shoes will provide better protection and reduce the risk of injury.

Exceptions for Flip Flops

While there are valid reasons to avoid wearing flip flops on certain rides, it’s essential to note that not all attractions have footwear restrictions. 

For slower-paced rides, shows, and experiences that do not involve intense movements or potential hazards, flip flops can be a more comfortable option. 

So yes, you can wear flip flops on It’s a Small World! 

Tips for Choosing Suitable Footwear

To make the most of your visit to Disneyland Paris while ensuring comfort and safety, here are some practical tips for selecting appropriate footwear:

Closed-Toe Shoes: Opt for closed-toe shoes or sandals with secure straps for maximum comfort and safety. Sneakers, sports shoes, or walking sandals are excellent choices as they provide stability and protection.

Comfortable and Breathable: As Disneyland Paris involves a significant amount of walking, choose footwear that offers cushioning and breathability. Look for shoes with adequate arch support and consider wearing moisture-wicking socks to prevent discomfort.

Plan Ahead: Before your visit, research the specific ride restrictions at Disneyland Paris. The official website or mobile app often provide detailed information on footwear requirements for each attraction, enabling you to plan your outfit accordingly.

Pack an Extra Pair: If you’re determined to wear flip flops during your visit, consider bringing a backup pair of closed-toe shoes in a backpack or locker. This way, you can switch to appropriate footwear when necessary, ensuring your safety and compliance with ride restrictions.

Final Thoughts

While flip flops are a popular choice for casual outings and warm weather, wearing them on rides at Disneyland Paris may not be advisable due to safety concerns, not to mention comfort.

Remember to plan ahead, check ride restrictions, and pack an extra pair of shoes for added convenience. Disneyland Paris offers a multitude of attractions and experiences, and with proper footwear, you can explore the park worry-free.

Ultimately, the choice of footwear at Disneyland Paris comes down to a balance between comfort and safety. While flip flops may be acceptable for certain slower-paced rides or shows, it’s essential to prioritize your well-being and abide by the guidelines for each attraction.