Are Tips Included on P&O Cruises?

Tips are often an overlooked expense of a cruise. After all, if you’re tipping every time you buy a drink or visit a restaurant while on board, that cost is going to add up quickly! In this post we’ll explore whether tipping is necessary while on board P&O cruise ships.

At the time of writing, it is currently not necessary or expected to tip on board P&O cruises, because it’s included in the cost of your cruise – great!

That being said, just because tips are “included”, does that mean you shouldn’t tip at all during your cruise? Let’s explore that in more detail.

Exterior image of P&O Iona
Credit: P&O Cruises

Tipping Culture in the UK

Firstly, it’s worth noting that P&O Cruises is a British cruise line, and as such, the culture around tipping may be different from what you’re used to. In the UK, tipping is generally considered optional and is not expected in the same way it might be in other countries. However, this does not mean that you shouldn’t tip for good service – it’s up to your discretion and generosity.

Are Staff Given Extra Money?

P&O announced back in 2019 that it would remove the need for tips across its entire cruise line. Prior to that, it already had the lowest tip rate of any cruise line, at £6 per day. It’s worth nothing that cruise tips were added to your fare, which you then settled before disembarking at the end of your cruise. Most cruise lines, although not all, would give you the option to remove this from your account and do tips pay as you go, just like you would anywhere else.

This leads to an interesting question. If you are no longer required to tip, does that mean the staff are not being paid as much as they were previously? Well in short, no.

When it comes to P&O Cruises specifically, the company has a policy of including all gratuities in the cost of your fare. This means that you do not need to worry about tipping individual crew members throughout your trip. Instead, the gratuity is divided among the staff members who provide service to guests onboard, including the cabin stewards, dining room waitstaff, and other service personnel.

Credit: P&O Cruises

How to Give Additional Tips on P&O Cruises

P&O Cruises states on its website that “gratuities are included in your fare” and that “there is no need to tip individual staff members onboard”. However, the company does offer an option for guests who would like to give additional tips. This can be done by filling out an envelope provided in your cabin and leaving it at reception, and the additional gratuity will be distributed among the staff.

It’s also worth noting that P&O Cruises has a strict policy against soliciting tips from guests. This means that crew members are not allowed to ask for tips, and if you do choose to tip, it should be done discreetly and without any pressure from the staff.

Treating Crew Members with Respect and Appreciation

Overall, it’s clear that P&O Cruises does include gratuities in the cost of your fare, which can be a relief for those who prefer not to worry about tipping during their trip. However, if you do choose to give additional tips, you are welcome to do so. And regardless of whether you tip or not, it’s important to treat the crew members onboard with respect and appreciation for their hard work and service.

In conclusion, if you’re booking a P&O cruise, whether that be on board Iona, or one of their other ships, you can rest assured that there is no expectation that you need to tip, and don’t need to factor this in to your holiday budget.

However, if you choose to tip due to receiving excellent service, then P&O give you the option of filling out an envelope to add your gratuity in to, and it will be distributed among the staff.